What is provided....?
- Three meals a day, served family style.

- Complimentary soda pop when available.
- There are five rooms with two twin beds per room.
- Modern 16' Smokercraft® boats with 15 hp Yamaha® motors and fuel.
- Canoes for float trips down the East River, or just to use at your leisure.
- Cleaning, vacuum packing, freezing, leak proof liner, and box are provided for your catch.
- Guides when needed, or you may also venture out on your own once you become familiar with the area.
- Limited, Rods, reels and tackle, both fly (Orvis®) and spin cast (Lamiglass® and Ugly Stick®).
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What is not provided...?
- Major carrier Airfare to or from Yakutat or local Air taxi from Yakutat to the Lodge and back.

- Sport fishing licenses (sold at the lodge).
- King Salmon stamp's (sold at the lodge).
- Sport hunting license (Small Game) (sold at the lodge).
- Alaska Duck Stamp (sold at the lodge).
- The above Licenses and stamps can be purchased online @ AK Dept. F&G
- Federal Duck Stamp (purchase this at your local post office).
- Gratuities.
- Alcoholic beverages.
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What do I bring...?
- You should plan on at least 3 sets of clothing (Fleece or Polartech) that you can layer and a hat.

- A good quality set of rain gear.
- Lite weight breathable chest waders, short boots, and tennis shoes.
- Your own Fishing equipment if you wish, tying material (for those of you who fly fish), spoons and spinners, leaders, and swivels, monofilament line, 10-15 lb. for Silvers and Sockeye, 15-25 lb. for Kings. A light salmon rod, 8 or 9 weight fly rod with a slow sink tip line.
- Your camera.
- Binoculars.
- Bird hunters you need to bring your shotgun, we do have a few loaners.
- A soft bag to put it all into (duffel style). Remember to try and keep the weight of your baggage down to the 50 lb. range.
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4. Where can I find you...?
You can find us on a map of the State of Alaska. Looking at the State as if it were a cooking pot, we are located close to where the handle meets the pot, hence the descriptive name, Southeast Alaska panhandle.
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5. How do I get there...?
You can only get to us by aircraft. Alaska Airlines arrives twice daily, arriving from the lower forty-eight (Seattle) around 12:00 PM and from Anchorage about 5:00 PM. You are then met by a representative of Yakutat Coastal Air Taxi, we will notify them as to when you will arrive. You then take a very scenic twenty minute flight by small plane to the lodge.
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6. When is the best time...?
That is really up to the type of activity you may be looking for. You should contact us so you will know what your options are, and the time of season that it is available.
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7. Do you have bears...?

Yes, we have quite a few brown bear. We probably have one of the highest concentrations of brown bear in all of Southeast due to the easy access they have to the multitude of spawning salmon and bumper crops of wild berries. We provide exclusive brown bear photo and viewing opportunities. Our location to this resource gives the visitor something to remember for a lifetime. See our Brown Bear page for more info.
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8. How many people can I bring...?
Many of our guests arrive in groups of ten, however we make accommodations for any size group from 1 to 10, for Kings, Sockeye and Trout the general group size is limited to four guests (adjustable). If you wish to book the lodge for only your group, that can be arranged.
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9. What is the weather like...?
We are located on the Gulf of Alaska, so the weather can vary a great deal, generally speaking May through mid August is our drier months with temperatures ranging from 50-70 degrees, while mid August through October tends to have more precipitation and temperatures ranging from 40-60 degrees.
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10. What are the arrival and departure day's...?
Arrival and departure days in general are Sunday - Friday, they are dependent on a first come first served basis, and the fact that we have guests who stay longer than the standard 5 day 5 night rule.
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11. What about licenses...?
We are an Alaska State Hunting and Sport Fishing License vendor. We also carry the State Waterfowl Stamps, all are available online @ Ak F&G website but not the Federal Duck Stamps (available at all U.S. post offices). The charges for these (Small Game Hunting and State Duck Stamps) are separate from the lodge and are paid by you upon your arrival so that you can start your adventure immediately.
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12. What about birding...?
We are in fact located on the Pacific Flyway were it chokes down to a mere 5 miles wide, with
the Gulf of Alaska on one side and the Brabazon Range on the other. The amount of migrating bird life is an awesome sight in both the spring and fall. The range of birds from the smallest (Rufous Hummingbird) to the largest (Trumpeter Swan) and everything in between is a spectacular sight. Best times for this awe-inspiring show, spring (late March through May), fall (September through October). See our for more info. If you are a duck hunter decoys and blinds are provided. Sept. 1 - mid October is prime waterfowl season.
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13. What types of fish do you have....?
We have all five of the Pacific Salmon species,
- King ( Chinook )
- Sockeye ( Red )

- Silver ( Coho )
- Chum ( Dog )
- Pink ( Humpy )
We also have three types of Trout,
- Arctic Char - Dolly Varden
- Cutthroat
- Rainbow
- Steelhead (very limited)
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14. What dates for which fish...?
Kings - May 15th to June 20th*
Sockeye - June 10th to June 30th / July 15th to August 20th*
Silvers - August 20th to October 20th*
Chum - August 15th to September 30th*
Pinks - August 15th to September 10th*
Cutthroat or Rainbow trout - June to September*
Dolly Varden or Arctic Char - June 1st to September 20th*
*These time lines can vary one to two weeks and are only estimates.
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15. How long have you been in the outdoor business...?
Our family has been catering to the outdoor enthusiast for over ONE HUNDRED YEARS and we plan on continuing the family tradition for another hundred years. We have a vested interest in insuring you have a wonderful stay with us and we do care deeply about the area to reduce and or avoid human impact as much as possible.
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What about rods, lines, fly's and spin Tackle...?
- We supply when needed Fly Rods, Flies, Spinning Rods, Reels and Tackle
If you bring your own, the list below should give you an Idea as to what you should bring.
- What's a good fly for King Salmon?
The all around favorite is a Fat Freddie. My personal favorite is the whistler.
- What's a good fly for Red Salmon?
For the most part flies like Polar Shrimp, Sockeye Orange, Montana Brassie (with variations) and the Green Lantern will work. We suggest fishing these flies "dead drift" using a floating line and long leader (Use an Orvis Sly line).
- What weight fly rod should I use?
Usually we suggest a 10 wt. for King Salmon, 7 or 8 wt. for Silvers, Sockeye, trophy Rainbows and Dolly Varden, a 5 or 6 wt. for smaller Rainbows & Dollies, a 3 wt. to 5 wt. is ideal for lake fishing, depending on what size fish you know are available.
- Speaking of Silvers, what's a good fly?
You can't go wrong with an egg-sucking leech or Wooly bugger, but there are other flies that work as well if not better. Again my personal favorite is the Whistler.
- What fly lines should I use?
To be totally prepared for any fishing, the following lines are needed: 1) Floating. 2) Type 3 Cortland or SA Sink Tips. 3) Type 6 Cortland or Wet tip V SA Sink Tips. 4) For extremely fast or high water, a Cortland Quick Decent or Teeny Nymph line is needed. These lines come in 130 gr. to 625 gr. You should choose one that is matched to the fly rod you plan to use.
- Will you have rods and tackle on hand for me to use If I chose not to bring any?
Yes we'll have a full array of Orvis fly rods and reels as well as spinning gear for your use if you choose not to bring your own.
- For the Spin Fisher
- we recomend lite weight Salmon rods and reels, The Blue Fox Pixe 3/4 - 7/8 .oz (pink, green and red) is always a good choice as well as Blue Fox spinners and The Mepps No. 5 Aglia gold or silver spinner
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17. Do you have electricity...?
Yes, we have two diesel generators, one main and one standby. Power is available generally from 6:00 A.M. until 12:00 midnight, it provides 110 volts AC and will operate any small electrical appliance you bring with you, we recommend a surge protector if you plan on operating a laptop computer.
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18. Is there a telephone or Internet...?
Yes, we have a Iridium Satelite telephone, this is usually reserved for emergencies and lodge business. The phone is not always reliable and is affected by weather and atmospheric conditions. The phone number will be given out upon request. We do have limited internet service through the Hughes Net Satelite service, bandwidth and data allocation is very limited, we ask that you refrain from streaming video or FaceBook posting while at the Lodge. Limited Email is fine as long as your not sending or receiving images or video.
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19. What dates are available...?
Dates do fill fast so if you would like a date you should contact me as soon as possible!
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20. What are you rates and policies...?
Please see our rates page for more information
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21. Who do I contact...?
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